Marriage Planning

My husband and I have been married for 31 years today. When we married we thought ourselves very similar. Our marriage looked to be easy. Exactly one year after we married, we found out we were expecting our first child. Once we had children we learned how different we were. Those differences brought with them great conflict. We chose not to plan together much because we no longer saw eye to eye. It took us 15 years to figure out what worked for us and our children. We came to better understand our own wants and needs and each others wants and needs after attending some life balance sessions together. We learned that our marriage was important to us and to our family’s happiness. We learned that planning together for an ultimate goal was important.

Thirty one years together. I am thankful for a husband who allowed me to change, grow and become the person I was meant to be AND I am very grateful he was willing to change, grow and better himself. Time has been good to us. Happy Anniversary Honey. I love you!

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Summer Programs

Studies show that children lose much of what they have learned during the summer school break IF their brains are not encouraged to retain. Organized summer programs for kids are now available at a very reasonable cost. The school year has come to a close. Are you wondering which summer activities will enrich your child’s learning while allowing them fun participation.

For the Utah area, here’s a link for Summer Programs filled with learning options at Organize Summertime Activities For those of you who live in other states, contact your school district special education or gifted and talented resource director about organized summer programs and learning options for your children.

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Organized Taste Test

organized taste test

Have you ever wondered if the brand of food you are buying is really the best tasting option on the grocery store shelf? Twice a month, my wonderful brother-in-law, Richard, provides us with an organized taste test for the Winterton family as part of our extended family Sunday dinner. The taste test results are often surprising to me in that I am NOT a generic food buyer. I do LOVE to save money and am a real professional when it comes to money saving strategies, but I organized my mind years ago to believe the name brand foods were superior in quality. To see the results of some of our favorite taste tests, read on.

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Find Time to Declutter

A loving daughter I did not know called last night to schedule a Mothers Day Gift of organizing for her Mom. The daughter informed me that her mother was a wonderful woman who was very competent and needed some help understanding 1) HOW to scale down and 2) HOW to manage her time so she could declutter. I will meet with them this upcoming week.

The key here is 1) understanding our attachment to things of lesser importance AND 2) prioritizing the time to make decluttering happen. Click her to see an example of our time becomes complicated.

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Declutter, Organize, THEN Clean Up

I received a phone call a few months back from a TV producer. She invited me to be a guest on her show. Today, I returned from taping a KSL TV Studio 5 segment titled: Declutter, Organize, THEN Spring Clean.

The show producer and show host were a delight. I thourally enjoyed the experience they provided me. Listen to my online radio show The Organized Woman Show. Be sure to sign up for the RSS or itunes feed to be informed of new organizing show topics we address. Email me and let me know what you’d like to learn.