A Family Command Center

I learned again yesterday that I am blessed with the gift of space design, better known as organizing stuff. Yesterday I worked with a client who received me as a “Christmas Gift” from her husband. She is a busy wife, mother of 4, care giver to 2 cats, AND a very talented musician.

   I met with her 3 times and each time I saw the concern in her face lessen and hope for order return. (I see this often in my clients as we progress forward.)

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Planning, Preparation and Jace!

There are some things we can plan and prepare for, but an early baby is rarely one of them.

My 2nd grandchild was born last week. He came with a few deficits. (1) He was born a month early and (2) he weighed in at only 6 pounds.

He made up for those deficits by (1) having loads of beautiful black hair, (2) lots of bruising due to being lodged in the birth canal for 5 days, and (3) an extra thumb on his right hand. (This will be removed easily and he will have a cool scar to make his birth day story believable.)

I spent last week showing my love for him, his big brother, and his parents by caring for them in their home. What a joy it was to watch this sweet family support one another and help them organize their home and do some early spring cleaning. Boy, I was shocked at how much time caring for a baby takes.

How lucky this little boy is to have so many people surrounding him that love him deeply. Happy Birth Day wonderful little Jace!

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Forward or Backward Movement?

Are you moving forward or slipping backward in life? This past week my car’s odometer moved to 100,000 miles. Watching this movement made me realize again that we are either moving forward or backward continuously.

   My husband and I  were going to dinner and the theater with his mother and sister and we each made sure we had clear view as the odometer ever so slowly moved from 99,999 to one-hundred thousand miles. In fact we kept watching as it moved forward to 100,001… another milestone.

How is your movement coming in better organizing your paper, space, time or self? Are you progressing forward or slipping further into chaos and discouragement? Don’t become disheartened. Putting your things or life in order is freeing and calming!

If, after really trying on your own, you find you need an organizing expert’s experience, contact me.

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Organized Politics: 2008 Presidential Inauguration

This week I have been busy here in Utah Valley. I have instructed over 200 people through 6 presentations and have taken on 3 new clients. I have been busier than usual. Wow, am I ever grateful I am not a politician.

   Tuesday morning I watched the inaugural address of our 44th President, Barack Obama. He is an excellent speaker. I was touched by the willingness of our new Commander-in-Chief to uproot his young family and begin something he is not yet prepared for, but very hopeful about.  One of my favorite speech moments was when he spoke these words, “Our challenges may be new. The instruments with which we meet them may be new. But those values upon which our success depends — hard work and honesty…these things are old. These things are true.” I too believe hard work is a necessary ingredient in bringing success to any endeavor. Two other important ingredients are knowledge and experience.

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Organized Jury Duty this Week

Jury Duty

Jury Duty

I was amazed at the organization and order necessary in a court of law. Serving on a jury was one of my life goals. I feel it is a privilege to serve and contribute to my community. I was called for Jury duty this week and was chosen as one of eight jurors from a possible thirty. I listened and learned for 2 days.

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