Overcome Procrastination

Do you put off tasks that you do not want to do OR like to do? Do you say, “I’ll just do it tomorrow”?

Procrastination, for one reason or another, happens to the best of us.  Overcome procrastination by following these important steps:

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BALANCING work and family

Balancing Work and Family   As part of January 2010 National Get Organized Month I am pleased to offer you this FREE downloadable form focusing on balancing work and family. By investing 10 minutes each week YOU will become a life balance pro. Click here to download your quick and easy Life Balance Worksheet.

Balancing work and family is not an easy job. But if you want to feel you are investing your time and efforts in your priorities, this life balance worksheet is just what you need to begin. I wish you great success! Thanks for droping by.

Please share with other visitors your favorite life balance tip(s) by leaving a comment. You can do this by clicking on the green numeral next to the word “comments” above.

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Holiday Planning

We control Christmas OR Christmas controls us! By learning to simplify Christmas through holiday planning THIS holiday season can be both peaceful and joyful.

I was invited once again to do a Studio 5 TV segment. This one was titled Overcome the Overwhelm: Tips to Simplify Christmas. I shared some great tips for Holiday Planning including some clutter-free gift ideas to make this holiday season easy to manage.

The three tips I shared for better holiday planning were:

  1. Make a list of ALL your holiday plans, activities and events, THEN PRIORITIZE your list.
  2. Schedule your “Must Do’s” on your December Calendar. Then add in pencil your “Might Do’s”. (see below to print your own calendar pages)
  3. Simplify EVERYTHING you’ve kept on your calendar.

My complete Holiday Planning Kit is available for purchase and the pages are listed below. But for now, receive a FREE copy of my holiday planner to see where you can improve. This is a PDF page and will print just as it is shown. 

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Time Management Tips

Four techniques and time management tips were discussed in my recent TV appearance on Studio 5. Click here to view How to Pad your time for Murphy’s Law.



Here they are again:

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