keep a bedroom tidy4 Quick Tips to Keep a Bedroom Tidy Once It’s Organized

As you decluttered and then organized your child’s bedroom initially, you focused on less-is-more and understood that every item in your child’s room should have a designated home. You used bookshelves, clear containers, baskets, and under-the-bed storage bins to help your child understand that every item in their room had a GOOD designated landing place. You were sure to include your children when you were de-cluttering their rooms because you knew they needed to participate in the process or else they may never develop the skills necessary to tackle their messy rooms and organize them successfully. Now that that is done, you need to do a few other things to make sure the bedroom stays in good working order:

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  1. Label each shelf and container with  photos. This allows your children to maintain their own spaces nicely.
  2. Assign a designated time of day to have the kids do a quick pick up of their daily clutter. In my own home that was 15 minutes before dinner was on the table.
  3. Schedule a time once a week for a more thorough organizing. In my home that was on Saturday. We planned up to an hour per child.
  4. Establish tangible “rewards” for cleaning up at set designated times.

Less clutter equals more calm and easy access to the things your kids really love. Getting your child’s bedroom organized is the hard part. Keeping it organized takes about 15 minutes a day. If they are 5 years old or older, they should be keeping the room in order. All you should be doing is offering positive praise and a few carefully selected rewards. For help with this, see my household / family management binder kit . This marvelous product contains my 8 point no-fail family rules template AND other great ideas to help you better manage your home and family.

What about you? What tips do you have to share on how to keep a bedroom tidy?


2 Responses to “Keep a Bedroom Tidy”

  1. Trucia A. Says:

    I am a child therapist. The 4 points you have listed here are exactly what I share with the parents of my clients who need some direction in their parenting. You hit the nail smack dab on the head. Thank you.

  2. Otis Wars Says:

    Setting a specific time of day is useful. I will give this a try with my 2 children.

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