Student Success in School
Ready to start school off with a powerful start…but feel you are missing some important parenting strategies & routines? The trick is found in these simple action steps:
- Focus on training your school aged children to manage themselves instead of you taking on their responsibilities.
- Plan and organize NOW to make the transition back to school a little easier. (See the free printable offer below.)
- Give yourself more time than you need in the morning by arising 10 minutes before you think you should.
- Set morning, after school, and bedtime routines in place for you AND each member of your family.
I know…you’re saying to yourself, “I already knew that!” but what you may not know is exactly how to implement these marvelous strategies. Well … it’s your lucky day. Our printable STUDENT SUCCESS KIT has the necessary solutions you need to get your kids:
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- Up on time and out the door with everything they need.
- Energized and excited about their day.
- Off to a successful start every morning this year.
- AND it contains digital pages so you can print the forms you need for yourself and your children week after week for your own personal use. All at a cost of $1.50 a page. What is peace of mind worth to you? (READ ON to learn about the “get it right” guarantee we offer you on ALL our Absolute Best Organizing Solutions™ info kits.)
* This 8-page School Success Kit Includes *
8 Documents to improve YOUR efficiency AND YOUR CHILD’S attitude.
- Absolute Best Solutions for Student Success. Remember that I am an experienced former school teacher.
- Family Rules Template. Includes eight (8) major directives to foster student success, family harmony and peace. (Just imagine … No more parent-child power struggles!)
- Mom’s Daily Routines List. A detailed list of morning, after school, and evening routine tasks from which you can select your preferred.
- Kids Daily Routines List for student success – specific tasks for morning, after school, and evening for your kids.
- Kids Chore List. A necessary tool for teaching your kids what you mean when you say, “A clean room means …”.
- School Note Form. Allows you to excuse absences, tardiness, money enclosed, & more…all on one form – 10 seconds and you are done!
- Homework Management Form. Lists assignments, due dates, and reminders for greatly increased student success.
Remember, these printable pages are reasonably priced so you feel you have received a good deal. The forms are digital so YOU can print the forms week after week for your own use, but copyright restrictions do not allow you to distribute, share, or resell any of the files included to anyone else. (I invest a full week in each of the best solutions tool kits I offer for sale. I research, design, and create them so your life and the lives of those you love can be lived a little easier.) AND, here’s the best part of all…IF within 30 days of purchase you’ve really tried, but can’t see much change in your family; you can exchange the purchase price of this kit for the equal dollar amount towards a personalized 15 minute phone-coaching session with me → a mother of 3, chief professional organizer, and former school teacher. Ultimately, SCHOOL SUCCESS is yours!
As a mother of 3 kids who learned to enjoy school AND as a professional home organizer, I know that student success is so much easier once you know a few tricks of the trade. Your happiness and ease of life is worth every penny you spend on this great tool kit.
* 2 Special FREEBIES if You Order Today *
A copy of two of my newly research printable pages. These 2 freebies will come to the email inbox you place your order from. Give me up to 48 hours to get these freebies to you. I might be vacationing on a quiet beach when you place your order!
* Just for Visiting *
As promised, you get a FREE printable copy of my Back to School Checklist to get systems in place for managing the family schedule, packing lunches, stocking a homework station, preparing a school art work collection spot, & more. Enjoy this FREEBIE and please…visit other pages. My reason for being on the web is to help you live a more organized and peaceful life!
* How Do I Order? *
Order by using the Paypal link below OR call Vicki to use any major credit card or your Venmo account.
*Grandparents…if you plan to buy this kit for someone you love, be sure to forward on the email that arrives in your inbox to them rather than opening it.
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