organization classes expert speaker

Listed below are seven of my favorite books to help you teach kids to live an organized life in your own home. I was motivated to compile this list after reading a newspaper article posted by Robin Harisis of Rochester, New York. These books have been talked about in professional organizing circles for decades. They really are the best out there.

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For Preschoolers & Grade School Kids

Bernstain Bears - Messy RoomBerenstain Bears and the Messy Room By Jan and Stan Berenstain.

This is the book that inspired me at a young age to be a professional organizer. The picture of the organized closet at the end really spoke to me.   Frog and Toad Together


“The List” from Frog and Toad Together by Arnold Lobel.

A great little story about being organized, but flexible.   Too Many Toys


Too Many Toys by David Shannon.

A cute short story about a boy with way too many toys.   Clean Up


Clean Up Time by Elizabeth Verdick Aimed at toddlers. This book teaches children the importance of taking care of their toys by putting them away. There are some parent tips in the back of the book.

For Teenagers

All of these books are aimed at teens in Middle School through High School. They are geared for kids to read themselves and contain practical advice. They cover:

  • time management
  • school organization
  • homework organization
  • bedroom organization.

Organizing from the  Inside-Out for TeensOrganizing from the Inside Out for Teens By Julie Morgenstern and Jessi Morganstern-Colon.

Julie is very detail specific  in her information. I love every book she has written.   Middle School Guide

The Middle School Student’s Guide to Ruling the World By Susan Mulcaire.

Where's My StuffWhere’s My Stuff? The Ultimate Teen Organizing Guide By Samantha Moss and Lesley Schwartz.



Do you have a favorite book that has helped you teach kids to live an organized life or allowed your child to finally understand how to live organized? Post it here.

If you are tired-out and know you need some help re-training your children, I am available to help your family get organized! Contact us number for organizing help in Utah

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